Analytical Electronics Services Pvt Ltd

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Component Analysers

Agilent Technologies (HP)

HP 16338A Test Lead Kit
HP 4140B pA Meter / DC Voltage Source
HP 4145B Semiconductor Parameter Analyzers
HP 4156C Semiconductor Parameter Analyser
HP 4191A 1 MHz to 1 GHz RF Impedance Analyzer
HP 4192A LF Impedance Analyzer, 5 Hz to 13 MHz
HP 4193A 400kHz - 110MHz Vector Impedance Meter
HP 42942A-CFG002 Terminal Adaptor Set
HP 41951A Impedance test kit
HP 41952B Transmission / Rflection Test Set
HP 4261A Digital LCR Meter with Test Frequencies at 120 Hz & 1kHz
HP 4262A Digital LCR Meter
HP 4274A 100Hz - 100kHz LCR Meter
HP 4275A / 001 / 004 10kHz - 10MHz LCR Meter
HP 4276A 100Hz - 20kHz LCZ Meter
HP 4280A 1MHz C Meter/C-V Plotter. Measures capacitance/conductance.
HP 4284A 20Hz - 1MHz Precision LCR Meter
HP 4284A/001 20Hz - 1MHz Precision LCR Meter Power with Amplifier/DC Bias option
HP 4285A / 001 / 201 Precision LCR Meter, 75kHz to 30MHz in 100Hz steps. 0.1% accuracy
HP 4294A 40 Hz to 110 MHz, Precision Impedance Analyzer
HP 42942A Terminal adapter kit for 4294A

Fluke / Philips

Philips PM6303/9542 RCL Meter

General Radio

GenRad 1657 RLC Digibridge


Keithley 590 C-V Analyser with option 5902


TEK 177 Curve Tracer Test Fixture Plug-in
TEK 178 Curve Tracer Adapter
TEK 577 / ( B.E.R.) 10 Curve Tracers
TEK CG5011 Programmable Calibration Generator
TEK CG551 Programmable Calibration Generator
TEK PG506 Calibration Generator : Plug-Ins
TEK SG503/TG501/PG506 Oscilloscope Calibration System
TEK TG501 Time Mark Generator : Plug-Ins

Wayne Kerr

Wayne Kerr 7330 Automatic LCR Meter & Test Lead/Component Adaptor Accessory
Wayne Kerr CF1005 LCR Component Fixture
Wayne Kerr 1EV1006 LCR Component Fixture

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